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Why it is essential to have an SEO strategy

This article highlights the benefits of implementing a search engine optimisation strategy for your business.

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Why investing in SEO is an advantage for your company's website

Why invest in natural referencing? What are the advantages of natural referencing?

Have you ever thought about these questions?

If not, you should. With good SEO, you can increase the number of people who click on your links in Google's natural results, and therefore the number of visitors to your website, blog or e-commerce site.

1 - What is SEO (different from SEA)?

Let's first clarify the difference between SEO and SEA. SEO stands for "natural search" and is free. SEA stands for "search engine advertising" and is also known as paid advertising on Google. You can identify paid traffic in the search engine results because it is marked with the word "ad" in bold.

At Digidop, search engine optimization is the process of having a website appear in the first results that Google displays when a user types in a specific query. Let's illustrate this with an example: you're looking for a new bed. You'll say something like "best bed". All the businesses that are on the first few pages as a result of your search will therefore have much better SEO than those that are not on the first page, and they will therefore probably convert better.

Now that you understand the difference between SEO (free search engine optimization) and SEA (search engine advertising), let's get to the heart of the matter: why invest in a natural search engine optimization strategy?

2 - The long-term benefits of natural referencing for your company

2.1 A long-term marketing strategy with an excellent ROI

If you do SEA or are already interested in the price of SEA you know that advertising online is expensive. The web is a competitive place and Google understands this.

On the other hand, once your site has been set up for targeted keyword referencing, you won't have to pay per click, in fact the opposite is true. Every time someone clicks on your site, it builds its authority and over time increases its chances of appearing in Google's rankings for more keywords. So it's a great way to get free and natural traffic from loyal visitors or fans who will come back in the long run.

2.2 The response to the search for a potential future client

The best way to respond to a need is to position yourself on searches or issues that your company responds to, because today search engines are mostly used to answer questions that users ask.

2.3 The best way to build confidence in your business

Search engines send a strong signal about your company to your customers or prospects. Appearing in the first few pages of search results gives an air of authority and sends a clear message that you are an expert and your customers or prospects can trust you.

2.4 Visibility of your brand or website

SEO will improve the visibility of your business on the internet. Whether you are a craftsman, a shop or an online retailer and whether you are looking for local or national placement, SEO will get you more traffic, and therefore more potential customers.

2.5 A better conversion rate with inbound vs. prospecting

What a pleasure it is to invest in inbound marketing methodologies. Unlike outbound, you don't try to force your way into your prospects' busy days with spammy, self-serving communications. Inbound is about attracting the user to your site or brand. Outbound can come across as aggressive or intrusive, while inbound is about being welcoming, helpful and finding ways to genuinely connect with people's needs that match yours. This strategy increases your conversion rate and gives you a competitive advantage over other businesses.

3 - Optimisation strategies for natural referencing.

Optimising your website with SEO is a real process, which is why it is a medium/long term strategy. In this article we will focus on 3 strategic actions that will improve your ranking performance. Your keywords will make you visible in a few weeks/months.

3.1 SEO audit of your pages and website

Sightseeing is important. Perform a full SEO audit of your website to determine where you stand and identify areas for improvement. You can easily do this with many free online tools that offer this service, such as Ryte Semrush, Lighthouse...

With their fast algorithms, you will quickly be able to see all the steps you need to take in your Google SEO strategy. In addition, most of them explain the reasoning behind what they recommend to better understand your overall ranking and why.

3.2 Technical compliance and markings

Before you embark on developing your SEO strategy, it's a good idea to establish a solid technical foundation so that Google can fully understand your business. This investment means bringing your entire website up to speed with SEO best practice, but it's really the smartest thing to do before you start thinking about more detailed strategies for achieving good keyword rankings.

There are two solutions for this:

- Calling on an agency with expertise in SEO and technical compliance

- Follow step by step the recommendations of the audits you have carried out

3.3 Content strategy: web writing, writing for SEO

Your site is online and compliant with search engine expectations. Now it's time to get to the heart of an SEO strategy in 2021: content.

Web SEO is an intelligent and conscious combination of keywords, writing and elements on a page. The best way to get good search engine rankings is to know how SEO works, how to write exciting content that provides solutions for your readers and how to optimise your page for search engines via CSS styling. All of this information, combined with excellent writing, can create a positive experience for your readers, with the ultimate goal of increasing traffic and conversions.

Conclusion: You cannot expect to rank well in search engines if your content is not relevant.

4 - Some good advice for improving natural referencing.

Companies know that SEO can be a powerful tool for generating new business. But for small businesses looking to get their name on the first page of search results, it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are some tips to help you plan your SEO strategy.

4.1 Optimising your blog for Google

The first thing to do is to check that the titles of your posts are well structured because blogging is good, but making it Google friendly is better.

Respect the hierarchy (photo cf) and don't jump between headings.

4.2 The guide to successful SEO at low cost

With this constant need for content for your SEO ranking, you will find many articles on the subject of SEO (like the one you are reading now). These articles provide you with a lot of knowledge that you can apply to your own case to improve the SEO of your site.

4.3 Choosing an agency that provides 360° support and advice

Hello, it's us. There are many agencies that specialize in writing web content or implementing SEO strategies. For example at Digidop one of the things we focus on is creating quality content for our clients' websites. Our goal is to improve your company's search engine rankings and help it reach the top spots that all businesses aspire to.

4.4 Being interested in training (free or paid)

- Free training? Youtube is your best friend.

- Paid training? You have a choice. Agencies often offer it.

Conclusion: You have seen how SEO can help drive qualified traffic to your website.

- An SEO strategy is less expensive than SEA

- A strategy that gives long-term value to your domain name

- A permanent and regular source of qualified traffic

- It's a long-term job to secure your first positions

Best value for money solution in the long term to generate qualified and recurring traffic. Try implementing SEO on your site, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results!

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