Badge Webflow Award Winner 2023
Team members' photo of the Digidop team

Want to join the Webflow agency Digidop ?
We are recruiting!

Become Digidopeur !

Are you interested in joining a fast-growing 100% nocode start-up? Discover all the job offers of our web agency.

photo thomas digidop showing something on his computer to Quentin, Pierre and Mérieux

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We remain at your disposal!

Speculative application

Questions about Digidop ?

Working in a start-up is a bit of an adventure, it's normal that you have questions. We are here to answer them!

Digidop is a young nocode start-up in full growth. Joining us is to integrate the world of entrepreneurship within a team motivated by excellence, experience and sharing.

In general, are becoming more competent in :

  • The use of different no-code tools
  • Web design
  • Development in Webflow
  • SEO
  • Automation

Digidop is a set of members :

  • Youth / Dynamics
  • Passionate
  • Agiles
  • Who have determination
  • Who have a vision
  • Autonomous

Getting up every morning and being happy to go to work is why you should join Digidop !

Yes . Our 99% remote agency (we meet every 2/3 months in unusual places) is composed of dispersed in all France.

‍It would be a shame not to be able to enjoy all the benefits of new technologies in a web agency!

You will be able to telecommute without any problem and from wherever you want, as long as you are productive with your feet in the sand.

Digidop is a start-up in strong growth. The prospects of medium-term evolution are strong, especially for positions of nocode web developer and SEO expert. Interns, alternating or fixed-term contracts can hope to be hired on the long term at the end of their missions. All of them, including those on permanent contracts, will be given responsibilities in the medium term in order to increase their skills and positions.

The selection steps will depend on the position. In general, this is how we proceed:

  • Application with CV (cover letter is a plus)
  • First interview
  • Test (depending on the offer)
  • Second interview (the final stretch, give it all away!)

And if all goes well, here you are!

At Digidop we are looking for people who are motivated to enter the world of entrepreneurship and digital. It is important for us to feel this determination during the interviews.

To do:

  • Soak up our world : check out our website, our blog, our networks, etc.
  • Preserve your personal branding: no need to invent a story or skills, it will not be beneficial for you or for us. Show us who you really are in your CV and in interviews.

Do not:

  • Hesitate to apply: nothing ventured, nothing gained! Having digital skills is a plus, but it is not everything. We'll make sure you get the most out of our strategies and tools. Apply if it's your dream job.
  • Apply to apply: if one of the criteria of our offer does not correspond to you, look instead at the other offers we have.

The team testifies!

The Digidopeurs share their experience of working in our full remote webflow agency!

"If you want to learn new things every day and want to be in the best Webflow & Nocode agency, Digidop is for you!"
Photo of Thibaut Legrand wearing a black t-shirt Digidop

Thibaut Legrand

Webflow Developer & SEO

I joined Digidop in 2022 and have grown professionally and personally in just a few months. Digidop is a real school. I quickly felt autonomous and at ease managing projects directly with customers. It's really nice to feel that there's trust in a team. If you have the right mentality and are comfortable working from home, Digidop could be the company for you ;)
Quentin Ballereau with a t-shirt Digidop

Quentin Ballereau

UX/UI designer

Through my tasks and missions, I work independently while having responsibilities. The team is at the top! The cohesion between the members (digidopeurs) allows us to do a quality work (digicalidad).
Pierre Soares in a white T-shirt

Pierre Soares

Product Designer

Why Digidop ?

Improve your online visibility thanks to Digidop's experience, excellence and reactivity!