Badge Webflow Award Winner 2023

Pierre, UX/UI Designer and art fan

Here are a few lines that I hope will help you learn more about me, enjoy your reading!

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5 min
Pierre Soares

Full time designer and art fan in general, I introduce myself: Pierre from Digiteam.

Here are a few lines that I hope will help you learn more about me, enjoy your reading!

1. A passion developed over time

1.1 First experience in journalism

The same question remains: What to do after high school (you have 4 hours)

Like many young people, I also asked myself this question. Passionate about sports and art since I was a kid, I wanted to do something where I could live this passion while sharing it. So I tried to combine these two desires and an idea for a job came up: journalism.

A project that was short-lived...

1.2 Change of path to design

Motivated by the idea of making my passion my profession, I joined a program combining journalism and graphic design in my first year.

During the year, I quickly realized one thing: no more journalism, what drives me is design! At the end of the school year I decided to change school and go directly to the 2nd year of graphic design.

This decision was one of the best I could have made.

1.3 Specialization in UX / UI

After two years in graphic design, it's time to move on to the next step: the master's degree.

What could be better for someone who loves design to do a master in digital design? Well, that's what I did, and it's during this course that I discovered the Figma tool and fell in love with UX / UI (User Experience / User Interface), two acronyms, with different but totally complementary meanings, that bring me today to Digidop.

It was a classic path where I was able to find my way while specializing over the years.

2. A constant relationship to art & design

2.1 Inspiration in design

I have always loved going to museums and exhibitions, which has allowed me to develop an artistic culture and references. This mix of information serves me today as inspiration. I try to look at the work of many designers on a daily basis, a step too often neglected when it is fundamental to create the best possible experience for a site.

2.2 The experience, principle of the Digicalidad

User experience is as much a part of today's sites as design.

"There are three possible reactions to any design: yes, no, and WAHOU! The third is the one I'm aiming for." Milton Glaser

Here we call it the Digicalidad.

The goal? To create that WAHOU! effect when one arrives on a site. It's this desire to provoke an emotion in a person when they open a site made by Digiteam that will push me to surpass myself and develop my creativity.

3. Constantly progress in UX/UI and in the digital world

3.1 Finding my first love

As you will have understood by reading this bio, even if there is a big design part, we also write a lot at Digidop. Wanting to become a journalist a few years ago, this facet will allow me to rewrite regularly, something I had lost since I had tasted digital design.

3.2 Complementary design skills

Even if the ideas and the vision are very important, you have to be able to implement them. That's why my goal is to become a Figma expert. Learning from the designers of the team will allow me to develop my skills in Figma and why not over time to become a respected and followed designer.

3.3 Evolving with a web agency

Learning alongside the designers of the team will allow me to develop my skills in Figma. But learning with the web developers will allow me to learn a totally different background, that of a web developer. Having no notion of development, it will be the opportunity to learn a lot and to avoid the frustrating side of making a model without going to the end of it by developing it on Webflow. Moreover, I will be able to learn about SEO and automation.

Lots of things to discover with the team!

Everything is gathered to have a great time with motivated and motivating people!

It is up to us to write a beautiful story, that of Digidop.

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