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Make (Integromat) new no-code 2022 automation tool

Integromat becomes Make! The no-code automation tool has just repositioned itself. New offers, new logo, new interface, new features. Make makes Integromat automation more fluid, more accessible, closer to the "no-code" world.

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Automated Make Integromat modules with purple background and white Make logo

Integromat has had a huge redesign at the beginning of the year! The no-code automation tool that we love so much at Digidop has completely revamped its branding, design and features.

Integromat: the 2022 mission

Unlike its main competitors, Integromat had never before positioned itself on its "mission" in the world of no-code and its convictions.

"Zapier is on a mission to make automation incredibly easy and accessible to everyone at work."
"At we believe that any organization can and should automate."
Workato: "Our mission is to help companies Integrate & Automate at least 10X faster than with traditional tools and at a tenth of the cost of ownership."

Without a mission, Integromat was a simple no-code tool, an automation platform that could interconnect multiple applications or communicate with APIs to create automated workflows. Quite surprising for a tool that is one of the world leaders in no-code automation.

2022 is therefore a renewal for Integromat, which gives itself a reason to exist with the mission to "Unleash the full potential of people by giving them the freedom to visually create, build and automate at the speed of their ideas."

Unlock people's full potential by giving them the freedom to visually create, build and automate at the speed of their ideas

Integromat becomes Make

By answering the essential question in business of "why", why we exist, what is our purpose and mission, Integromat becomes Make. If we are interested in this "why", Make is based on two essential elements:

  1. The visual language: Make exists to create a visual, understandable and universal language for the creation of no-code automation.
  2. Change: Make is a solution that aims to get teams to work together on projects that have a direct impact on our world
  3. A universal solution : Experts and novices alike, individual entrepreneurs and teams, they want to democratise no-code automation for everyone.

Make is a platform for any person, company or organisation that wants to design, create and automate things. From a simple task, through a complex workflow to a web application, Make is a no-code tool that opens the field of possibilities in terms of automation.

The tool has been redesigned around 6 key criteria:

  1. Visualisation : create a "visual language" via an intuitive interface for both the creation and management of workflows and apps.
  2. Open-embed Platform : an environment that will allow you to cross applications, data flows, schedule actions, etc.
  3. Speed and agility: with an even more optimised tool, and simpler creation and management of workflows.
  4. Power : with even better, faster workflows.
  5. Community : through their networks, their blog, their courses and tutorials, their partners and experts.
  6. Competitive prices : with one of the best value for money on the market!

Redesign and modernisation of the UI

Although the Integromat UX has been preserved, Make offers a brand new UI, with more complete colour gradients and variants that finally create the Wow! effect.

New logo

A completely redesigned logo!

integromat logo and make logo
New Integromat logo: Make

New colours

Gone are the ageing blue and grey of Integromat; in its place is a pink and purple gradient for the icon and a black for the make. More energy, more vitality, colours that finally make us want to create workflow 🤩

make icon with colour gradient
Icon gradients Make (Integromat)

New Integromat features with Make

This new mission that Make is embarking on opens the way to new features that will boost automation and facilitate the creation of workflows. In general, Make is intended to be more intuitive, visually appealing and easy to use.

To illustrate this we can take the example of the forms interface. This one has been redesigned and simplified. Each section is much more distinct and a validation notch has been added to each section. You can easily see which fields are filled in and which are missing. On these forms there are also new drop-down lists, where a search bar has been integrated. So when you are looking for a file in a list of your application, you don't have to scroll through them all, but you can enter the name directly in the search bar.

interface for creating automated workflows in make
New Make interface (Integromat)

Beyond the visual aspect, the user experience is also improved thanks to the optimisation of certain functions. We can take the example of functions. If you often use functions in Integromat, you have probably already found yourself in that situation where you don't know which semicolon or parenthesis belongs to which function. Make is releasing a new feature that will underline every symbol attached to a function when you hover over it. This will make it much easier for you to find your way around even complex functions.

workflow creation interface with focus on functions
New Make functions (Integromat)

Make offers many other features such as creating and sharing templates, optimising the data store, simplifying authorisation systems, etc.

Read the Top 10 new features of Make

New offers and new prices

A new tool means new prices! Or at least new packaging... By packaging we mean the way in which the functionalities are distributed according to the offers. So let's take a look at these new packaging and princing. 👀

Previously, Integromat offers were mainly based on customer usage. That is, the different plans were designed according to the number of monthly transactions, the amount of data transferred or the time between each transaction.

Today's offers are designed according to usage, but also according to the functionalities available.

The news offers and prices Make are grouped into 5 plans

offer and prices make Integromat
Offers and Prices Make (Integromat)
  • Free - $0 / month: test Make for free and enjoy the basic features. Access to over 1000 applications, workflow creation, app development, etc.
  • Core - $9 / month: to enjoy at least 10,000 operations with an unlimited number of active scenarios, and a one minute delay between each execution. Access to the Integromat API.
  • Pro - $16/month : from 120,000 operations per year, offers in addition to the Core plan an increased priority level in the execution of scenarios, and more flexibility in the workflow.
  • Teams - $29 / month: from 120,000 operations per year, offers in addition to the Pro plan a team concept with the possibility of assigning roles in scenario management. A new feature is the ability to create and share template scenarios.
  • Enterprise - $X / month: for specific needs in terms of security, workflow protection, storage capacity, etc., the Enterprise plan offers customised features in addition to everything included in the previous plans.

With the exception of the Free plan, the price of each of these plans may change depending on the type of payment (monthly or annual) and your needs in terms of number of transactions.

If you want to migrate Integromat to Make, check out our tutorial! And if you are new to Make, now is the time to take action, make it!

Migrate Integromat to Make

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