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How to automate your no-code Webflow blog with Sendinblue?

Manage your Webflow blog more easily by connecting it with the no-code marketing tool Sendinblue. Automate the sending of your newsletter, your marketing campaigns, easily manage your new subscribers, etc.

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5 min
Computer screen on pink background with Sendinblue interface, Webflow icon and Sendinblue expert badger

What is Sendinblue?

Sendinblue is a nocode web marketing tool that will allow you to easily create and manage advertising campaigns. Sendinblue provides you with many features to stay connected to your customers and improve your conversion rate with your prospects. A very complete nocode tool for :

  • Emailing: an easy to use drag and drop tool to create email campaigns in a few clicks
  • Chat: a chat bot to be integrated into your Webflow site to capture your customers and answer them in real time. Improve your response time!
  • SMS Marketing: optimise your multi-channel with sms marketing campaigns.
  • Marketing automation : allows you to create automated and personalised campaigns based on your customers' actions.
  • CRM: qualify your prospects and customers, add them to mailing lists, automatically manage unsubscriptions, etc.
  • Transactional email: create simple email templates to improve engagement with your customers.
  • Segmentation: segment your list of contacts into several groups based on identified characteristics or behaviours. A way to offer them more relevant content in your campaigns.
  • Landing page : the tool allows you to create quick and easy landing pages for one-off marketing campaigns.
  • Registration forms : a feature that allows you to embed a form directly into Webflow. A good way to connect your Webflow form to your Sendinblue database.
  • Facebook Ads : you can target contacts on Facebook and use the data to expand your audience.

Why connect Sendinblue to Webflow?

Sendinblue is therefore a complete tool and connecting it to your Webflow site is a way to better automate your marketing campaigns.

Save time

This is generally the reason why you should automate your Webflow site with nocode tools. Save time in your day and stop copying and pasting in your different databases. Connecting Sendinblue to Webflow will allow you to automatically manage all the data coming from your site and connect them to targeted marketing campaigns.  

Automate your data flow

The objective will therefore be to connect Senfinblue to Webflow to optimise the data flows between these tools. Let's take a concrete example. You have two web forms on your Webflow site:

  • A contact web form: allows you to be contacted from your website. You will retrieve data such as "Name", "First name", "Mail", "Phone" "Object" "Message".
  • A web newsletter form: where you will offer visitors to subscribe to your newsletter for example by retrieving a "Mail".

Connecting Sendinblue to Webflow will therefore be a way to transfer all this data directly into your Sendinble database with each new web form filled in. The data will be qualified and each contact can be added to a specific list, and to automated marketing campaigns.

To take our example, a new contact from the contact form will receive an automatic email to inform him that his message has been transmitted. Depending on their request, they can also be qualified and added to other lists, for example to be used again later. In the same way, for any new contact from the newsletter form, the email will be added to your newsletter mailing list.

Qualify and target your contacts

Each new contact from your Webflow site will be integrated into your database. The advantage of connecting Webflow and Sendinblue is that you can accurately qualify the origin of your leads. You will also be able to automatically add them to mailing lists according to their origin and actions they have taken from your website.

It will be possible, for example, to send a welcome message, to offer a special deal on the anniversary of one's registration on the site, etc.

Automate your blog

You have the possibility to share with Sendinblue all the news of your site. For example, you can connect the RSS feed of your Webflow site to Sendinblue to automate the sending of your latest blog posts to people who have subscribed to your newsletter.

Automate your marketing campaigns

As the data flows are fully automated between Webflow and Sendinblue, you will no longer have to send out mailing campaigns by hand. Your contacts are added to mailing lists, to automated campaigns and they will be added to new lists according to their actions on your site. The tool will also allow you to do A/B testing to help you better understand your customers' behaviour and expectations.

Track the activity of your visitors

You can install trackers on your Webflow site to analyse the behaviour of your visitors. For example, by adding a tracker in Webflow on a "learn more" button, you can create a tracking event that will trigger a scenario in Sendinblue. You will be able to create custom scenarios based on specific actions performed on your website.

Methods to connect Sendinblue to your Webflow site

A fairly simple method offered by many no-code tools is to install a plugin to connect the tools together. Sendinblue does not currently offer a plugin to easily connect to Webflow but you have other ways to do it! 😁

Connecting your Webflow forms to Sendinblue

Without a plugin, here are three methods to link your website data to your Sendinblue database.

Integrating a Sedinblue embed in Webflow

Sendinblue offers you a feature to create web forms very easily. A drag and drop tool allows you to add fields to your form and customise them to your needs. This tool offers you a responsive form, which you can secure with a Captcha and which will be 100% RGPD with a RGPD field and confirmation emails. Once created and attached to lists in Sendinblue, you can easily embed this Sendinblue form in Webflow.

Sendinblue embed customisation interface
Embed Sendinblue

Connecting Sendinblue and Webflow with Integromat

At Digidop we prefer to limit embed code to improve the speed of our site. This is one of the reasons why we prefer to use an automation tool like Integromat to connect Sendinblue and Webflow. Another reason, and not the least, is to be able to trigger a chain of actions following an event from our Webflow site.

Going through Integromat will allow us for example to send Webflow data to Seninblue but also to connect Webflow to Airtable, or notify our teams on Slack. Ideal to automate all your Webflow site 🤩 Whether your workflow is simple or complex, the idea is to add several tools within the same automation. Moreover, the Webflow module in Integromat allows you to choose an instant trigger. So for each new action performed on the site, such as sending a new form, the whole chain will be triggered. The data will be sent to Airtaale for example, your teams will be notified on Slack, the contact will be added to automated Sendinblue campaigns, etc.

Webflow Sendinblue connection interface from Integromat
Webflow and Sendinblue with Integromat

Synchronise your contacts via FTP

You can finally connect your Webflow contacts to your Sendinblue database via an SFTP / FTP server. Sendinblue offers a "FTP Contacts" tool that allows you to connect your web server to your database. You will find this tool in the integrations.

When setting up, you will be able to associate your server data with your Sendinblue contact attributes and select the list you want to add them to.

☝ Note, however, that this feature is available with the Sendinblue Enterprise Plan.

Please note that data sending is not instantaneous and that daily, weekly or monthly synchronizations will have to be set up.

Sendinblue integration blocks with the Contact FTP module circled in blue
FTP contact synchronization

Connecting your Webflow blog to Sendinblue

Here we will use the RSS feed from your Weblfow site to automate your Sendinblue campaigns. RSS and Email campaigns are very effective in informing your users of the latest updates to your blog. Thus, email notifications will be automatically sent to your list of newsletter subscribers to share your latest blog posts. You can easily connect the RSS link of your Webflow blog to Sendinblue thanks to the "RSS Campaign" integration.

When setting up your Webflow RSS campaign, you can select an email template that you have already prepared or set up your own. However, remember to add the key tags, corresponding to those of your RSS feed, in order to highlight the data of your blog. Finally, you can of course attach these RSS campaigns to one of your Sendinblue lists, but we recommend that you create one dedicated to this RSS campaign.

Sendinblue integration modules with the RSS Campaign module circled in blue
Sendinblue RSS integration

Installing Sendinblue trackers on Webflow

Let's push Webflow and Sendinblue automation further by installing trackers on your site! The idea is to be able to follow the behaviour of your visitors on your website and to enrich the data of each of your contacts on Sendinblue. The web trackers will therefore allow you to create automated scenarios, based on specific actions on your website.

For example, you can send a special email to consumers who have viewed a specific product category on your site. This is a real advantage for e-Commerce sites that can, for example, retarget consumers who have not completed their purchase in their shopping cart.

Sendinblue offers three methods to install a tracker on your website:

Tracking via Sendinblue plugins

This would be the easiest option if there was a Webflow plugin... But no regrets, let's think about the speed of our site! 😁

Plugins checkbox to install a Sendinblue tracker
Sendinblue Tracker with Plugins

Google Tag Manager Tracker

This is the solution we recommend! Installing your tracker on the Google Tag Manager allows you to preserve the performance of your website and you can easily set it up on Webflow!

Check Google Tag Manager box to install a Sendinblue tracker
Track Sendinblue with Google Tag Manager

Manual tracker with JS tracking code

The last and most complex solution is to manually add the tracker via a Java Script tracking code.

JS tracking code" checkbox to install a Sendinblue tracker
Sendinblue tracker with JS code

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