Badge Webflow Award Winner 2023

Develop quickly on Webflow with the Relume Library

In this article, discover the Relume Library. A library of 1000+ copy/paste components to develop your Webflow sites much faster

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5 min
Overview of the different types of components available on the relume library

In this article, discover the Relume Library. The Relume Library is a library of responsive Webflow components designed to accelerate the development of your websites and web pages on Webflow .

Discover in this article its advantages and how it optimizes your website creation on Webflow.

Create sites on Webflow in a few clicks?

Or almost. It's possible thanks to this fantastic platform: The Relume Library.

1.1 What is the Relume Library?

Overview of the Webflow component library of the relume Library

The Relume Library is a Webflow component library that offers a variety of pre-designed and customizable elements to help you create your websites quickly. This library allows you to easily add elements to your project by copying and pasting them directly into your Webflow workspace (designer).

Thus, you save time on the development of the "base" of your project and can focus on other aspects of your site such as content, SEO or design.

Testing the Relume Library

1.1 The advantages of the Relume Library

Advanced filtering system of the Relume Library to find its components quickly
With precise filters
  • Develop faster: With pre-built components, you can build your website faster and without having to create each element individually from scratch.
  • Client-First naming: The Relume Library uses the Finsweet Client-First naming scheme, which allows you to copy and paste components with the Client-First CSS naming.
  • Advanced Filtering: The Relume Library features an advanced filtering system that allows you to select the styles and layouts that best suit your project. This allows you to easily choose the components that best suit your needs.

1.2 The Relume Library Chrome extension: a handy tool to save even more time

Overview of the relume library functionality panel from the Webflow designer interface
Directly into the designer!

To make the use of the Relume Library even easier, a dedicated Chrome extension is available. This extension offers several advantages for Webflow developers:

  • Quick access to components: The Chrome extension allows you to access the component library directly from your Webflow designer. You can search and preview the components you need without leaving your Webflow workspace.
  • Simplified copy and paste: Thanks to the extension, the process of copying and pasting components becomes even easier. Just select the desired component in the extension and copy it directly into your Webflow project.
  • Automatic updates: The Chrome extension updates itself regularly to bring you the latest news and updates to the Relume Library. This way, you always have access to the latest and greatest components.

By using the Relume Library Chrome extension, you can further optimize your Webflow development experience and save even more time when building your websites.

1.3 The Relume Library Awards

  • Freenium : 0$ (Very limited)
  • Starter : 32$/month
  • Pro : 40$/month

Testing the Relume Library

Discover how to create faster on Webflow with this video


The Relume Library is a valuable tool for Webflow developers who want to optimize their work and create websites quickly.

Thanks to this "copy and paste" component library, you can focus on other high value-added aspects of your webflow site (SEO, wording, design, optimizations) and offer a better final product to your customers.

Don't wait any longer to discover the Relume Library and integrate it into your workflow!

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