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Which browsers support which front-end language properties?

Find out under which versions and browsers your CSS properties and more generally the code you use on your website are compatible

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5 min
Can i use ?

When you develop a website, you use several types of language (even if you use a no-code development tool like Webflow). The most famous ones are HTML and CSS. To summarize, HTML is the structure of your page (div, heading, image, link, etc.) and CSS is the style applied to HTML elements (background color, size, margins, etc.).

However, there are many other types of web languages that can be used to develop a website (Javascript, Jquery, etc.).

Each language has its own codes. However, some browsers (or versions of browsers) do not support (are not compatible with) certain language type properties.

Support to check if your property is browser compatible

There is a very useful tool that offers a support table to find out which browsers support the technology you want to use.

Can I use allows you to fill in the property you want to use and see this support table.

For example, if I want to use the overflow-x css property with the value clip, I enter overflow-x:clip and I can see which versions of which browsers support my css code.

tool can i use

What is interesting is to look at the overall percentage of web users who use browsers that support the technology. In our case, approximately 75% of global users.

overflow-x:clip compatible user percentage

Test/Simulate on a real browser

If you use a particular code on a page of your site, you can also testit on different browser versionsand devices using the Browserstack tool.

This will give you a real look at what your code looks like on Safari, Chrome or any other web browser.

browserstack interface

As a user, we recommend that you frequently update your browsers and devices to take advantage of the latest web language features and see a site as it is really developed.

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