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#1 Site Disney+ | Live Build Webflow - Client-First 🇫🇷

Want to learn more about Client-First and Webflow? Join Thibaut and Florian from Digidop for the very first Webflow Client First Live Build!

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5 min
Photo of Florian and Thibaut with a Live Build text and the Webflow, Client-First, and Client-First France logo.

‍Envied inlearning more about Client-First and Webflow?

On September 19, discover the very first "Live Build Client-First" in French, co-hosted by Thibaut Legrand and Florian Bodelot - official translators of the French version of Client-First.

Program for the #1 Live Build Client-First 🇫🇷

- What is Client-First?

In this first part, we'll explain what Client-First is and explore the basics of this development methodology in Webflow.

- Why does Digidop use Finsweet's Client-First framework for Webflow development?

Next, we'll explain why Digidop chose to adopt Client-First for Webflow project development. You'll discover how this approach has enabled us to optimize our projects and offer our customers high-performance projects.

- How to recreate the Disney + website on Webflow using Client-First

In this section, we get straight to the heart of the matter, using Webflow to develop the Disney+ landing page using the Client-First method. Practical tips and explanations for your projects.

Here are a few points that will be covered in the development:

  • Step-by-step section development
  • Explanation of class names used
  • Using custom classes vs. utility classes
  • File strategy
  • SEO Optimizations

- Q&A : Questions / Answers

The live event will be interactive, but we'll still set aside some time to answer your questions. Take advantage of this opportunity to deepen your knowledge and get answers to your specific questions about Client-First and Webflow.

In short, a #1 Live Build not to be missed!

Useful live information

📍 Places: YouTube Channel Digidop

📆 Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2023

🕒 Time: 12pm to 1pm.

👨🏻‍💻 Thibaut Legrand (Development): First @Digidop & official translator of the French version of Client-First

🧑🏼‍💻 Florian Bodelot (Animation) : Co-founder @Digidop & official translator of the French version of Client-First

Video & Replay

// Ressources partagées pendant le live build Webflow

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