Badge Webflow Award Winner 2023

Ma Webflow Journey, My Webflow adventure to date

My learning curve with Webflow, from initial bewilderment to mastery of this powerful tool. My journey and challenges in creating unique web experiences.

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Webflow Journey

As a developer who works with Webflow on a daily basis, this tool has had a profound impact on my career. In this article, I share with you my Webflow journey to date, describing how I gradually "tamed" this tool.

1. Discover Webflow for the first time

During the last year of my Master's degree, I was looking for a 6-month end-of-study internship in SEO. That's when I came across an offer from Digidop to work on various SEO assignments.

When I discovered the agency, I started to find out about the tool they specialize in, Webflow, which I'd already heard very little about.

2. Watch a development video in Webflow

In the course of my research, I came across a number of YouTube videos with tutorials showing builds on the tool or presenting its various features.

Even if I don't understand everything, I think the tool looks incredible. Add to that a few YouTube commercialsabout "Webflow the future of webdesign" and I'm ready to test the tool.

3. The great emptiness

Without further ado, I decided to create an account on the tool to test it out with its free version ! Big problem: I'm faced with a blank page and have no idea where to start.

I don't know what to build and even if I had an idea in front of this big blank page, I wouldn't have been able to realize it. At this stage, Webflow seemed less intuitive than WordPress.

4. Leave the tool for a while

Faced with this complexity, and aware that it took not only ideas but also skills to create something meaningful, I put Webflow on the back burner.

My attention was focused on my arrival at Digidop and my first SEO assignments.

5. When Webflow catches up

Some time after joining Digi, I started to see what Thomas and then Mérieux were doing in design, and what Flo was developing on Webflow.

I'm falling back under Webflow's spell, but before getting down to concrete projects, I'm exploring the tool for fun purposes and sharing my discoveries on the Digidop blog.

6. Turn the tool in all directions

So I'm rediscovering Webflow and playing around with Div, elements, CMS, customization options and so on.

I take pleasure in discovering the tool and approach learning like a game. I test the different functions of the tool to try and understand how it works. I soon realize that what I'm doing isn't fantastic, but that the tool is very powerful.

7. Training

Once I had a basic understanding of how Webflow works, I decided to take my training more seriously by watching various tutorials on YouTube(Finsweet, Timothy Ricks, etc.), watching Webflow University videos, browsing forums, in short doing a lot of research on the Internet.

Flo supports me in my training and gives me lots of advice on how to improve and develop (la digicalidad).

8. First projects

Once the testing and theory phases were out of the way, it was time to take action,and so I developed my first Webflow projects (nice site development projects for the time, with Flo's help).

I'm enjoying developing in Webflow more and more, but the next step is to create increasingly optimized projects.

9. Continuous improvement

Looking back, my first projects weren't perfect, but they allowed me to evolve and learn more. Each project was an opportunity to enrich my knowledge in a variety of fields: client-first, SEO, web accessibility, design, animation and many more.

I learn new things every day, and every project is an opportunity to push myself. All the resources that exist: YouTube videos, blog posts, Twitter posts, LinkedIn posts, Webflow clonables, allow me to learn endlessly.

A word of advice for those learning Webflow (or any other tool): sharing your discoveries speeds up your progress considerably.

10. Enjoy developing

Throughout my time with Webflow, I've enjoyed discovering and exploring the tool. Even when I've mastered Webflow, I believe it's essential to maintain that enjoyment. As each project is unique, it represents an opportunity to give the best of oneself to create exceptional sites.

In my opinion, every designer's request for an original animation or feature is a challenge that I take up with determination, seeking to bring the proposed idea to fruition as best I can. The satisfaction of a job well done on Webflow keeps me motivated to keep improving.

All in all, my journey with Webflow reflects an exciting evolution, from initial perplexity to gradual mastery. This adventure has shown me the importance of perseverance, sharing and fun in the creative process. Webflow has shaped my approach to web development, turning every project into a unique opportunity. With a promising future ahead of me, I continue to explore the infinite horizons Webflow offers for creating exceptional online experiences.

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