Badge Webflow Award Winner 2023
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Dokey is a collaborative no-code tool to optimize your content for SEO!

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4,7 / 5 (38)

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From : 49.00/month Free trial available

Use cases

  • Optimise your content with a broad semantic field

  • Optimise your Title and Meta-Description

  • Optimise the length of your content

Why use Dokey?

  • Optimisation of articles for natural referencing
  • Diversify your language with synonyms
  • Study competitors on a query or keyword
  • Track the performance of your articles
  • Generate more traffic with relevant content

How does Dokey work?

No-code web content optimization tool

Dokey is a collaborative tool that allows us to optimise our content in order to generate natural traffic. In the form of a score, we can assess whether our content is perfectible for SEO. We can study our competitors on specific queries and write adapted content using synonymy to reach the top positions on Google.

Is Dokey easy to use?

Dokey is very easy to use. The platform works a bit like a game. There is a score that increases if we manage to optimise our Title, Meta-descriptions, Headings, keywords etc. In addition, goals are set for us to have the best possible content. There is even the possibility to follow the SEO performance of your article afterwards.

X Dokey tools

Dokey is a no-code tool that can be used with :

  • Webflow: Integrate your content in your CMS to be well positioned on search engines
  • Miro : Design your SEO strategy on Miro before optimising your articles on Dokey

Conclusion on the tool

Benefits of Dokey

  • Real-time scoring
  • Analysis of the competitors of a SERP
  • Optimal number of occurrences of a keyword to use
  • Score on Title, Meta, Heading and Paragraphs
  • Collaborative tool
  • Easy to handle
  • Save time on web writing

Disadvantages of Dokey

  • Only works well on generic queries
  • On some queries, there is not enough data

With Digidop, enjoy discounts on Dokey plans

  • DIGIDOP15: -15% on the annual personal account
  • DIGIDOP25: -25% on the annual team account
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