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5 Pop-Up Inspirations to Optimize Your Website

The hidden power of pop-ups! 5 original inspirations for optimizing the use of pop-ups on your website.

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5 min
pop up marketing for the jetson mute website


Let's face it, pop-ups often have a bad reputation, being seen as annoying intrusions into the user experience. But if you think pop-ups only serve to encourage conversion, think again!

In fact, they should really be seen as multi-tasking tools, which can be used agilely to meet a number of objectives: from boosting user engagement to simplifying the browsing experience, to sharing key information.

We've decided to present you with 5 examples of pop-up uses that will change your mind about them, seeing them as real assets for your website!

1 - Pop-Up Marketing

Pop Up Markerting from the Jeston Mute website

First, let's explore pop-up marketing, a web classic. This type of pop-up is often configured according to how you might behave on a site: appearing either after a certain delay, depending on the zone you're in, the elements you click on, etc.

We've taken the site as an example, where a pop-up appears when you pass a certain section of the site. The aim? To encourage you to configure or purchase a product. Two more or less subtle actions that offer the consumer two more or less advanced purchasing paths:

  1. Configuring a product: A more subtle process that allows the user to start planning and answers some of his doubts.
  2. Buy a product: A more direct path to one-click conversion.

2 - E-Commerce Pop-Up

popup of the ecommerce site le store de digidop

Let's continue with e-commerce pop-ups, another strategic use of pop-ups that goes beyond simple conversion. To illustrate this point, let's take the example of the Digidop store and its collection of Figma Designer t-shirts. When an item is added to the shopping cart, a pop-up appears, eliminating the need to navigate to a new page.

This mechanism offers several advantages:

  1. Continuous browsing: The pop-up allows you to continue browsing the site without interruption, giving you the impression of not having left the current page, while keeping an eye on your initial choices.
  2. Smoother buying experience: This modality makes the buying experience smoother, reducing the number of clicks and superfluous steps.
  3. Additional purchases: As users are not redirected to the final page, this not only encourages them to complete the current purchase, but also to consider additional additions.

Ultimately, this type of pop-up doesn't just simplify the purchasing process; it optimizes the user experience by creating a more intuitive and engaging journey. A great asset for any online store seeking to maximize its performance.

3 - Pop-up Bento

pop up ecosystem of the eliott & markut website

Let's keep the momentum going with a less conventional but equally strategic use of the pop-up: the pop-up bento. This example comes from theElliot & Marcus website. Interacting with the "ecosystem" button opens a pop-up window, acting as a veritable bento of information.

This type of pop-up has several distinctive features:

  1. Information centralization: The pop-up acts as a hub, bringing together a variety of often disparate micro-information, such as social networks, key figures, or customer reviews.
  2. Targeted relevance: Rather than overwhelming the user with context-free information, this format enables relevant, actionable data to be presented in a structured way.
  3. Enhanced engagement: The bento pop-up doesn't just present information; it invites interaction, whether by clicking on a social link, exploring key figures or reading reviews.

This innovative format demonstrates that pop-ups can be more than just a conversion tool. They can also act as engagement catalysts and information aggregators, enriching the overall user experience.

4 - Pop-Up Sticky

popup of the Oltranza Festival website

Let's move on to the concept of "sticky" pop-ups, an approach which, while discreet, is still highly effective. It's a strategy used by the Oltranza Festival website, which integrated mini pop-ups to speed up and facilitate access to key information.

The most important features of this type of pop-up are :

  1. Constant accessibility: These "sticky" pop-ups are always visible, whatever page you're on. This eliminates the need to search for essential information such as festival dates or ticketing links.
  2. Information prioritization: By making this data immediately accessible, the site ensures that users can access the most important information without having to interrupt their browsing.
  3. Smooth user experience: The "sticky" pop-up seamlessly integrates into the overall user experience, avoiding unexpected interruptions and enabling seamless navigation.

This approach shows how pop-ups can be used for more than just conversions or promotions. They can also serve asorientation tools, making the user experience more intuitive.

5 - Detailed Pop-Up

juno website pop-up

Let's take a look at Juno Studio, an agency that uses pop-ups to present its customer projects in detail. When you click on a project, a pop-up appears, offering a rich palette of information without you having to navigate to a new page.

What to remember about this use of pop-ups:

  1. Depth of information: Juno's detailed pop-up allows users to dive into additional information without having to leave the current page. This simplifies the user experience by providing precise, relevant context.
  2. Maintaining attention: The pop-up presentation keeps the user's attention, avoiding the distraction that can occur when switching from one page to another.
  3. Optimized user experience: By eliminating the need to load new pages, the detailed pop-up promotes smoother, faster navigation, contributing to a better user experience.

Once again, a case that illustrates how pop-ups can be used as much more than simple conversion generators, to become powerful tools for engagement and information.

Bonus - Pop-Up with URL

dwarf website pop-up

To conclude, we'd like to mention the case of a "fake" pop-up, using the innovative example of DWARF. Unlike traditional pop-ups, which have virtually no impact on SEO, this site manages to combine SEO efficiency and user experience by assigning a unique URL to each pop-up.

Key points:

  1. SEO-UX synergy: The DWAR site manages to assign a specific URL to each pop-up. The content is then integrated into the site's internal mesh and indexed by search engines.
  2. Enhanced accessibility: The unique URL for each pop-up also makes it easier to share content directly, whether via social networks or other communication channels.
  3. UX benefits maintained: Despite this modification, pop-ups retain their role in optimizing the user experience, offering a simple and effective way of presenting information without having to change pages.

A good example of how to get around some of the usual limitations of pop-ups to create an experience that is both SEO-friendly and user-centric.


Pop-ups can therefore be much more than just annoying windows that appear on your screen. Used creatively and thoughtfully, they can clearly enhance the user experience, encourage purchase, centralize information, optimize conversion rates and even benefit SEO.

In any case, we hope these examples have inspired you to rethink the use of pop-ups on your own site!

Learn how to develop a modal pop-up in Webflow

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